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A Heart At Peace

Will your heart be at war or at peace? You get to choose.

Will your heart be at war or at peace? You get to choose.

How are you feeling about yourself today? Snail-small, just so-so, or earthmover?

What is the impact of each perspective?

How might your feelings about yourself affect your work?

Who do you want to be?

The ultimate question: Who do I want to be?

This is a choice we make in every moment, oftentimes being unaware that we have made a choice. In Arbinger’s book, The Anatomy of Peace there is this sentence that blows the mind:

In every moment we are choosing to either be like Saladin or like the crusading invaders.

The comparison here refers to our way of being. Saladin represents a heart at peace; the crusading invaders symbolize a heart at war.

What is so interesting to us are the layers of meaning in that one sentence.

  • First, the difference between those two hearts is huge

    • Can it be true that we choose?

    • Is it either/or?

  • Second, we are making a choice at every moment.

    • Every moment?

    • Really, it is an active choice.

  • Third, that we have so much power within us.

    • We are not a victim.

    • We always have choice.

  • Fourth, our choice makes a difference.

    • We invite the world’s response to us.

    • We can influence the outcome we desire.

How aware am I of the choices I make?

Contemplate: How can I bring my heart at peace to activities and people?

The miracle is that when I live from my heart at peace in little ways throughout each day — things get accomplished. And I like myself and my life….living into my best self moment by moment — not either snail-small or earthmover, but an authentic leader who serves.

With deep respect,

RelationSmiths, Nancy and Sharon

This week’s challenge: Become aware of moments of choice

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